The word “IT outsourcing” frightens and fascinates at the same time. What is it? How suitable is it for your company? What is it for? It is all about transferring all the IT services of your company to a third-party provider. They will be responsible for handling everything IT-related in your company.
You should look for the right support service. You can hire them if you are from the region. Your business is likely to benefit when you hire or outsource such a service.
Benefits of IT Outsourcing
The main advantage of IT outsourcing is the ability of the serviced company to focus on direct tasks and the development of its core business. Here are more benefits your business will enjoy:
- The quality of the services provided – the
company narrowly specializes in its field. She knows everything and even more about computers, which allows her to provide services of the highest quality compared to even qualified employees. Unlike hired one-time workers, the outsourcer builds an IT structure with you.
- Guarantees – the company is responsible for its work, including financial.
- Saving money – in comparison with a full-time employee, the company serves much cheaper. Moreover, it does not need to pay sick leave and vacation pay, as well as to allocate a job in your organization: there is no need to overpay for another computer, rent, etc.
- Availability – a full-time administrator may get sick, a specialist on one-time requests may not come due to lack of time. An outsourcing company is always available, as it is stated in the service agreement.
- Problem prevention – the outsourcer monitors the status of equipment, information, software versions, and more. Many problems do not arise since all critical things are under constant control.
How are the advantages of IT outsourcing manifested in practice? Very simple. You will forget about all the problems associated with the program and equipment!
Cons of IT Outsourcing
As with everything, outsourcing also has its drawbacks. Here are some of the disadvantages you are likely to face:
- low qualification of outsourcer personnel;
- the risk of information leakage;
- delays in response and problem resolution;
- lack of development of the IT structure in your company.
Please note that these disadvantages are not unique to the outsourcing company: you can also hire a dishonest sysadmin on your staff and get the same “bouquet.” As a rule, such companies do not exist for a long time. The good thing is the pros outweigh the cons. Look for a highly-reputable company to outsource your IT services.