Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. It is ETLA’s policy to respect your privacy and comply with any applicable law and regulation regarding any personal information we may collect about you, including across our website,, and other sites we own and operate.

This policy is effective as of 28 December 2021 and was last updated on 28 December 2021.

Information We Collect

Information we collect includes both information you knowingly and actively provide us when using or participating in any of our services and promotions, and any information automatically sent by your devices in the course of accessing our products and services.

Log Data

When you visit our website, our servers may automatically log the standard data provided by your web browser. It may include your device’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, your browser type and version, the pages you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on each page, other details about your visit, and technical details that occur in conjunction with any errors you may encounter.

Please be aware that while this information may not be personally identifying by itself, it may be possible to combine it with other data to personally identify individual persons.

Collection and Use of Information

We may collect personal information from you when you do any of the following on our website:

  • Use a mobile device or web browser to access our content
  • Contact us via email, social media, or on any similar technologies
  • When you mention us on social media

We may collect, hold, use, and disclose information for the following purposes, and personal information will not be further processed in a manner that is incompatible with these purposes:

Please be aware that we may combine information we collect about you with general information or research data we receive from other trusted sources.

Security of Your Personal Information

When we collect and process personal information, and while we retain this information, we will protect it within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification.

Although we will do our best to protect the personal information you provide to us, we advise that no method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure, and no one can guarantee absolute data security. We will comply with laws applicable to us in respect of any data breach.

You are responsible for selecting any password and its overall security strength, ensuring the security of your own information within the bounds of our services.

How Long We Keep Your Personal Information

We keep your personal information only for as long as we need to. This time period may depend on what we are using your information for, in accordance with this privacy policy. If your personal information is no longer required, we will delete it or make it anonymous by removing all details that identify you.

However, if necessary, we may retain your personal information for our compliance with a …

a website

What are the Best Ways of Securing your Website?

Securing your website doesn’t have to be too complicated. At times, simple methods may unexpected yield results. You must do all you can to keep your site free from hackers.

When you get down to establishing risks that your websites face, you may get some sophisticated strategies and concepts that may need experts to implement. But consider the following simple ways as some of the best ways of securing your website.

Update Your website

website update

If you want to keep your website secure, you must ensure you update your website’s software, scripts, and security when needed. Regular website updates are a sure way of keeping off intruders and malware. Any updates from your web hosting company should be implemented immediately. Every time any website update is due, install immediately. You should also ensure your site certificates are updates. Though this may not improve your site security, they are essential for your ranking in search engines.

Choose a Secure Host

The first and most important way of securing your website is making sure you choose a reliable host. Your preferred host must understand the threats your website faces and implement adequate controls to counter the risks. The host must back up your data in a remote server to ensure your websites are easily restored should hackers get their way into your site. Your ideal host should be available for technical support when you require them.

Use Strong Passwords

strong passwords

It’s essential to know that root passwords can threaten your website’s security. Search online for a list of breached passwords. If your password features in the list, you should be wary that hackers are just around the corner. If you want to secure your website, make sure you have unique passwords. The passwords should also be long, at least 12 characters.

Scan the Website To Detect Vulnerabilities

Any time you add or change your web content, you should scan the website for any vulnerability. Additionally, you should have a regular schedule for web security scans for the site. Though you can use free tools available online, it’s essential to consider hiring an expert to do a comprehensive web security scan regularly. The expert will do an in-depth scan besides performing an entire website security audit and monitoring any malicious activity. They will also be on standby should you require their services at any time.


These are some simple yet effective ways of ensuring your websites are safe and secure from hackers and other intruders.…


Remarkable Ways AI Benefits You in Crypto Trading

Cryptocurrency trading is one of the most exciting new frontiers in the world of finance. However, it can also be quite complex and daunting for newcomers. That’s where artificial intelligence comes in. AI in the trading software, like bitcoin loophole, can help traders make more informed decisions and maximize their profits in this rapidly-growing market. But what is it all about? How can using AI benefit you in crypto trading? This blog post will explore the various ways that AI can help you in crypto trading.

Gives Insight About Cryptocurrency Monetization

phoneCryptocurrency trading is all about making money. But to make money, you need to understand the market and how it works. This is where AI can be extremely helpful. By using AI, traders can gain insights into the market that they would never be able to obtain on their own. This information can help them make better decisions about when to buy and sell their assets.

Filters the Huge Amount of Data

Blockchain technology is the backbone of all cryptocurrency trading. This distributed ledger system contains a massive amount of data that can be pretty overwhelming for humans to process. However, AI is very good at sifting through large amounts of data and finding patterns that humans might not be able to see. This can give traders a significant advantage in the market. So you can use AI to find the best time for buying and selling.

Identifies Parties to Trade With

If you’re looking to trade with someone, you need to ensure that they’re reputable and that you can trust them. However, this can be difficult to do on your own. AI can help by analyzing a person’s trading history and identifying patterns that might indicate that they’re not to be trusted. This information can save you time and effort in the long run. Moreover, AI can also help you find potential trading partners that you might not have otherwise considered.

Grows to Learn by Itself

monitorsOn top of that, AI is constantly growing and learning. The more data it has to work with, the better it gets at finding patterns and making predictions. So as the market continues to grow, AI will only become more accurate and helpful in trading. However, you need to be careful with the data you feed it. If you’re not careful, AI can quickly start making bad decisions that will cost you money. Overall, AI can be an excellent asset for any trader in the cryptocurrency market.

If you want to make more informed decisions and maximize your profits, consider using trading software that incorporates AI into its algorithms. You may be surprised at just how helpful it can be.…

Transforming Dental Health with IT Services

Information technology (IT) services have revolutionized various industries, and the dental health sector is no exception. From enhancing patient care to streamlining administrative tasks, a site like plays an important role in improving efficiency, accuracy, and quality of care in dental practices. In this article, we’ll explore how the dental health sector benefits from IT services and the transformative impact they have on patient outcomes and practice management.

Electronic Health Records (EHR) Management

IT services enable dental practices to transition from paper-based record-keeping to electronic health records (EHR) management systems. EHR systems streamline patient information management, allowing dentists to access comprehensive patient records, treatment histories, and diagnostic images securely and efficiently. EHRs improve data accuracy, accessibility, and interoperability, leading to better-informed treatment decisions and continuity of care.

Practice Management Software

Practice management software solutions streamline administrative tasks, appointment scheduling, billing, and inventory management in dental practices. These software platforms automate routine workflows, optimize resource allocation, and improve practice efficiency. Dentists can focus on patient care and less on administrative tasks, leading to improved productivity and patient satisfaction.

Telehealth and Remote Consultations

IT services facilitate telehealth and remote consultation capabilities, allowing dentists to provide virtual consultations, follow-ups, and patient education remotely. Telehealth solutions enable dentists to reach patients in underserved areas, provide timely care, and offer remote monitoring for chronic conditions or post-operative care. Virtual consultations improve accessibility, convenience, and patient engagement in dental care delivery.

Digital Imaging and Diagnostic Tools

Advanced digital imaging and diagnostic tools, such as intraoral scanners, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and digital radiography, enhance diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning in dentistry. IT services enable seamless integration of digital imaging technologies with EHR systems, allowing dentists to capture, store, and analyze diagnostic images digitally. Digital imaging improves diagnostic efficiency, patient comfort, and treatment outcomes while reducing radiation exposure and processing time.

Patient Engagement and Education

IT services facilitate patient engagement and education initiatives through digital communication channels, patient portals, and interactive educational resources. Dental offices can better connect with patients, send appointment reminders, exchange treatment plans, and give instructional materials on oral hygiene and preventative care. Patient participation improves treatment adherence, oral health outcomes, and patient satisfaction.

Data Analytics and Performance Metrics

IT services enable dental practices to leverage data analytics and performance metrics to monitor practice performance, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and identify areas for improvement. Practice management software and EHR systems generate actionable insights into patient demographics, treatment outcomes, revenue trends, and operational efficiency. Data-driven decision-making enhances practice management, resource allocation, and strategic planning for growth and expansion.

Compliance and Security Measures

IT services assist dental clinics in complying with legal standards and implementing strong security measures to preserve patient data privacy and confidentiality. IT professionals ensure that dental practices adhere to industry standards for data security, encryption, access controls, and risk management to mitigate cybersecurity threats and safeguard sensitive information.


IT services have transformed the dental health sector by improving patient care, practice management, and operational efficiency in dental practices. …


An Overview on Fractional Content

Fractional content is a new type of content that has been created to make it easier to share and publish information. There are many benefits to this type of content, including easily updating your article as more developments arise. If you plan on using it, you should first read an article on fractional content. Here, we will discuss the basics of fractional content to decide if it would work well for your purposes.

Why Use Fractional Content?

newThere are several reasons you might want to try using fractional content. One great benefit is that it allows people from all over the world, even those with disabilities or issues accessing devices, to access your information more easily. It also benefits search engine optimization because Google and other large corporations can use advanced algorithms to determine what type of content is being shared and how it can be best presented to the end-user.

Drawbacks of Fractional Content

There are a few potential drawbacks to fractional content, though minimal. One is that it can be more difficult to format and appealingly design your article. Additionally, some people may prefer traditional articles over fractional content because it’s easier to skim or doesn’t require scrolling. However, these disadvantages should not outweigh the benefits of using fractional content, which are many. Many people should weigh them before they decide to use it.


Tips for Using Fractional Content

Fractional content is easy to share and update, so make sure to keep your article current. One of the mistakes of many people is that they have an article written a long time ago and does not reflect current information. This can lead to being penalized by Google or other search engines, so it’s important to keep your content as up-to-date as possible. Use a design that is appealing and easy to read. This is especially important if you use fractional content to publish information visually.

Fractional content is a new trend that has emerged in digital marketing. It’s all about giving your customers just the right amount of information they need to make an informed buying decision and then entice them to take action by clicking on ads or purchasing products. This technique can be very effective for brands with limited resources, such as smaller stores that don’t have full-time employees managing their social media accounts 24/7.

watching netflix on a laptop using vpn

Is Using a VPN to Watch Netflix a Good Idea?

Subscribers to Netflix and other streaming entertainment services pay to enjoy the best and even more content. But, unfortunately, the providers of paid-for services tend to restrict the content that clients can access and use location or national boundaries to demarcate their various markets. The main reason for the restrictions is that the law demands that countries only stream the content they have a license to access. 

However, since subscribers may want to enjoy the restricted content for their countries, they have to devise how to do it without Netflix noticing it and stopping them. Fortunately, customers can use VPNs to watch content that is only accessed in other countries; for example, they can watch american Netflix in Germany.

Benefits of Using VPN to Watch Netflix

Below are some benefits of getting a VPN to watch Netflix

More Content

enjoying more contentA VPN allows you to hide your identity and modify your location when browsing. It manages this by redirecting data connection through servers in various places, changing the IP that Netflix identifies. In addition, it enables you to access location-restricted content because Netflix offers specific material to particular regions only. The company determines depending on factors such as perceived audience, cost, and ratings of the show. That way, you can enjoy more content than allowed in your area, thus having top-notch entertainment.

Improved Security

One of the main reasons for using VPN is to enhance online security. A Netflix user can access the encrypted networks remotely, keeping things like location, IP address, data, and passwords safe from the company or hackers or anyone who might try to exploit them. Even an Internet Service Provider will not see what you are doing since all they can see are encrypted statistics from a VPN server.

Downsides of Using VPN to Watch Netflix 

Slow Connection

Before you decide to use a VPN to enjoy the content that is restricted to your area, you need to understand several things. First, you need to know that some VPNs can slow down the speed of connecting to the content provider’s servers. And this is understandable because VPN, in essence, increases the steps between Netflix’s server and your device. Luckily, you can mitigate the issue by getting a faster VPN.

Added Cost

added costThere are free VPNs and others that users have to pay for. However, the free ones provide less functionality and are highly likely to offer unreliable connectivity. So, to avoid the issue, you have to dig deeper into your pocket to get the paid VPNs, which overcomes the problems. So, you incur extra costs, but since you can connect to more site besides Netflix, the additional cost is worth it.

Although using VPNs to watch Netflix comes at an extra cost, the benefits of getting more content and access to other sites far outweigh the added cost.

business success

How to Choose the Right Digital Asset Management System

Getting the right digital asset management software is not an easy process. That is because you need to carry out research and evaluate different vendors. The process can make you feel overwhelmed. When you realize you need a solution, it becomes easy to address the problem before it gets out of hand. After determining you require a DAM, you need to start searching for a vendor. The truth is that it is tough to know whether the software you purchase will suit your needs. 5th Kind is one of the top DAM software providers you can rely on. These are some tips to help you find one that suits your needs.

Consider Your Stakeholders

using damIt is vital to know what external and internal partners can be impacted when implementing your digital asset management system. Therefore, you need to get them on board from the beginning. Ensure you communicate with your stakeholders throughout the journey and understand how the system works. An important part of digital asset management is to get it right from the beginning. It does not matter how great your software is, if it is used incorrectly, it will not be of help.

Understand Your Needs

After having an understanding of who uses the system, you need to determine what every group requires access to and those that you do not want. The good thing about enterprise digital asset management systems is that you can segregate groups and users. In this way, you can give them permission to dictate what they see and do. Although you can allow all users to access everything, the approach is not recommended for the safety of your organization.

Consider Your Current Resources

There is a need to leverage the resources you have first. For instance, can your creative team or social media group benefit from the new system? Make sure you carry out adequate research into different systems and integrate them into the existing tools. In this way, you will ensure everyone involved is happy with the new system.

Set Timelines

The truth is that setting realistic timelines is quite tricky. That is the case when you have different departments that need to use your digital asset management system. In fact, the resulting pressure may force you to pick a vendor as soon as possible. However, you need to evaluate the vendor and this takes time. The best approach is to divide your implementation into different phases.

Take Into Account Long-term Co-operation

After narrowing your search down to a few vendors that meet your requirements, it is vital to look at the company as a whole instead of the product alone. Can the company help you accomplish your goals? What support do they offer?…


How to Choose the Best Message Automation App

Businesses these days are using more and more messaging apps to communicate with their customers. This is because messaging apps are a great way to keep in touch with customers and build relationships. However, there are so many different text message automation apps available that it can be challenging to decide which one is the best for your business. This blog post will discuss the features of some of the most popular messaging apps and help you decide which one is right for you!

Types of Messages, Frequency, and Volume

smsAnother thing to consider when choosing a messaging app is the type of messages you will be sending. Some apps are better for sending text-based messages, while others are better for sending images or videos. It would help if you also considered how often you would be sending messages and their volume.

If you plan on sending many messages, you will need an app that has a lot of storage space. Some of the most popular messaging apps that offer this feature include Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and WeChat.

Team Size and Conversational Messaging Needs

If you are a small business with a limited number of employees, you may want to consider using a messaging app that offers conversational messaging. This feature allows multiple people to communicate with each other in real-time.

Text Message Automation Capabilities

textingIf you are looking for a messaging app that offers automation capabilities, you should consider using an app like Slack or HipChat. These apps allow you to automate tasks like sending messages based on specific keywords or triggering events. This can be helpful for businesses that want to send automated messages to their customers. So, which messaging app is right for you? It depends on your needs and what you are looking for in a messaging app. Considering the features of the different apps will help you make a decision.

So, how do you choose the best message automation app for your business? These tips include thinking about what features are important to you and your team. You should also search different apps and read reviews. Third, try out a few apps to see which feels the most intuitive and user-friendly. And finally, make sure the pricing fits into your budget! I hope this blog post was helpful and that you can now choose the best messaging app for your business. Do you have any questions about selecting a message automation app? Let us know in the comments below.…


How to Choose the Best Headphones

When purchasing headphones, there are several things to look at; but most people emphasize the style. Extra features in the devices are also important. The environment you’ll be using these devices will also affect your choice. And you’ll also need to consider your budget. Fortunately, no matter your budget, you’ll get a suitable product. Therefore stick with me as I take you through how to choose the best headphones.

The Style

Headphones come in different styles. Do you go for an around-ear, in-ear or on-ear, wireless or wired?

a girl using headphones

Over-Ear Headphones

Over-ear headphones are among the most popular headphones on the market, besides being the largest, they offer exceptional sound quality, and most of the hardware is hidden in the design. They are also comfortable to the user.

On-Ear Headphones

These headphones re similar to the over-ear headphones, but they are smaller in size; they sit directly on the ear. The on-ear headphones are perfect for individuals who find in-ear headphones uncomfortable. Travelers also opt for these headphones since they take little space in their luggage.

In-Ear and Earbud Headphones

These are the smallest earphones in the market. Besides, they come with different fins, tips, and wings. These features are essential for a precise fit. They offer better sound experience since they hinder interference by background noise.

Wired vs. Wireless

Cable headphones are cheaper than wireless headphones. They do not need to be recharged since you plug them into your smartphone or any other device via a charging port or AUX jack. Some wired headphones may not work with all smartphones. If you opt for wireless headphones, you have two special features to consider when choosing headphones.

Noise Cancelling

If you want to avoid background noise, you should select a headphone with noise cancellation technology. These headphones have a unique inbuilt system to reduce background noise.

Integrated Microphone

Headphones with an integrated microphone will increase the functionality of the device. You can use them as a hands-free headset for your smartphone. The mic is mainly integrated into the cable and is usually linked to an in-line controller.



The loudness of a headphone depends on its impedance. If you are using the headphones on devices powered by small batteries, e.g., your smartphone or tablet, you should opt for a lower impedance range (16-32ohms). On the other hand, if you’ll be using them on a big headphones amplifier or your home stereo, then go for higher impedance (80-100 ohms).

Noise Isolating

These headphones have extra material to block background noise. They bar the background noise passively.
Though choosing the best headphones can challenging, it’s easier if you know what to expect in the market. Consider the above information as you chose your ideal headphones.…


Top Tech Innovations That Are Reshaping the Music Industry

Music connects every element of culture and has been around for centuries, but the industry is constantly changing. Technology has made it easier to create music and share it with a larger audience. The 2pac pacs life is one of the greatest examples of how tech reshaped music. But what’s in 2023? Technology seems to be advancing faster than ever. Thanks to the internet, streaming, and audio services, we are exposed to a wider variety of music and artists than ever before. But there is more to it. Let’s dive right into the best innovations revolutionizing the music industry.

Streaming Services

From Spotify to Apple Music, streaming services are quickly becoming the go-to way to access music. Gone are the days when we need to go to a pub and hit that jukebox just to listen to our favorite songs. It’s also finally time we can say goodbye to CDs and mp3s. Streaming services also provide more money for artists due to the structure of their payouts. It’s a convenient and cost-effective method of listening to your favorite tracks while also providing users with artist recommendations based on their likes and preferences.

Now, with streaming services, we can access millions of songs from around the world instantly. This has also made it easier for further music discovery and sharing, which can be great for new artists trying to build an audience. And since many streaming services have user-friendly interfaces, creating a radio station or playlist tailored to your tastes is simple.

AI-Driven Music-Making Software

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing how music is created. AI-driven software can make it easier for musicians to create and produce better quality music than ever before. Not only will this make it easier to create music, but it will also make the process much faster. AI-driven software can help artists come up with unique musical ideas that can be developed into full tracks in just a few hours or even minutes.

Hologram Performances


Thanks to Japan and its hologram concerts, the music industry is now able to create a more immersive experience for fans and artists alike. Hologram pop musicians such as Hatsune Miku, a virtual idol, have been a huge hit among younger audiences. This technology has allowed musicians to give concerts in far-away places and connect with fans around the world.

What’s more, holograms can bring back beloved deceased musicians and even create an opportunity for collaborations of new and old acts. This could open up possibilities that were never thought possible before, like virtual tour dates with holographic performances from around the world.

Cloud Recording Studios

Did you know that musicians, music producers, and all other elements in music production don’t have to be in the same building just to create a song? Cloud recording studios make it possible for musicians to record audio from anywhere in the world without having to be in a traditional studio setting. Cloud-based recording software has made it easier than ever before for independent artists to create …